Move over, Millennials … Generation Z is Entering the Housing Market

A new group is making their entrance into the housing market. Generation Z - those born between 1995 and 2010 - comprises 21 percent of the American population (totaling 66.3 million people). They are beginning to enter the housing market as renters, and here are some of the amenities they are looking for in their [...]

2018-12-08T02:11:40-05:00December 7th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Service and Support Animals: Accommodations Required of Landlords

A rental property is a very convenient source of additional income, but it also places certain legal obligations on the landlord. Laws regarding pets and support animals can prove to be some of the most confusing. Here is our basic guide to your rights and responsibilities if a tenant intends to live on your premises [...]

2018-12-08T01:54:59-05:00November 15th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Remodeling the Empty Nest

There is no doubt that being the owner of an empty nest is a bittersweet experience. However, it is also a fantastic opportunity to cross some things off your bucket list. Here are some of the most popular ideas to take the bitter out of the experience and infuse it with a healthy dose of [...]

2018-09-18T00:22:24-04:00August 31st, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Preparing Your Investment Property for Fall

Smart investors know that understanding risks is the key to maximizing any investment. When it comes to investment properties, the weather is one of the most volatile risk factors. It has the potential to inflict severe damage to your portfolio, particularly as seasons change. Since fall is just around the corner, this is the perfect [...]

2018-10-23T19:20:18-04:00August 24th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Creating the Perfect Study Space for Your Child

A good education is the most reliable springboard for success in life. While school itself is important, the home to which a child returns every day is just as crucial. Give your child the best chance to fulfill their potential in the future – follow these tips to create the perfect study space for them [...]

2018-09-17T23:41:18-04:00August 17th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

What Investors Need to Know About the Millennial Housing Market

There is some debate about the definition of a “millennial”. Semantics aside, the most essential point for a homeowner or investor to understand is that they comprise the largest single renter demographic. Estimated to number between 65 and 75 million individuals in the United States, millennials generally fall between the ages of 20 and 36. [...]

2018-09-10T05:34:03-04:00August 10th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Avoid the Nightmare of Evicting Tenants

Whether you are a new or experience landlord, you will understand the difficulties of dealing with a difficult tenant. Troublesome tenants can cause problems with neighbors, not pay their utilities, withhold rent, and cause damage to a property. Any of these issues - individually or in combination - can cause landlords undo stress. In fact, [...]

2018-08-30T19:23:25-04:00July 16th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Considerations for First-Time Landlords

Becoming a first-time landlord may be a daunting prospect. When you purchase an investment property, there are so many things to consider. Having worked in the property management business for nearly 40 years, we understand exactly what landlords will go through. Here are some important things to consider before putting your rental property on the [...]

2018-08-30T19:23:36-04:00July 9th, 2018|Property Management in Montgomery County, MD|

Seven Ways You Can Prepare Your Home for Summer

Finally, we are starting to see the weather warming up and can hopefully look forward to putting those winter-woes behind us. In this post, we are sharing some ideas and tips to help you get your home ready for the summer season ahead. The AC Unit Spring is the perfect time to check the air [...]

Six Simple Ways to Add Value to Your Rental Property

The ultimate objective for anyone who buys an investment property is to make money. While you’re waiting for the property market to swing upwards, we wanted to help you realize a few quick and easy ways you can positively impact upon your investment property. Curb Appeal One of the first things people see when they [...]

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